Mrs S's Boudoir Experience

A great throw back boudoir blog post. Had to share this on our new blog.

I want to thank Mrs S for being so patient with me. She agreed to her images being blogged just a little over two months ago. I know I’ve been blog slacking, took my first vacation in over 2 yrs and yeah well really there is no excuse. The other week Mrs S decided to email me and see what happened with her blog. She wrote, “Did you change your mind”. Mrs S blame it on my mind and my busy schedule, not my heart. Well, I finally have the images below from her experience to share with you our readers.
I know your wondering why is this blog post entitled “Its’ A Diva Party”. Well, about two weeks ago Mrs S decided to host her own Boudoir Party near her birthday and she has 3 divas including herself signed up. Well if anyone knows anything about our parties, in order to have your party finalized at least 5 divas must attend. Well Mrs S has allowed me to open her party up to my wonderful readers and future/past clients. So if you are looking to find out what all Glamorous Divas has to offer or your ready to jump in again for another experience contact me via the contact us page on this blog. The date is set for Saturday March 2 in Towson, MD. I know after her friends see her pictures they may jump on this opportunity so to my readers and clients don’t delay we cap our parties off at 8 divas.
Again, thank you Mrs S for allowing me to show my work and all your sexy to my readers. Enjoy and be sure to leave comments!!!

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